What Patients Are Saying About Us ...
“No one ever expects to hear the word cancer, especially not at age 39, right after having her fourth child! What? I don’t have time for this. Am I going to die? All sorts of scary questions enter into your head. Anger surfaces and you try to remain in hope as you listen to your treatment plan, the many surgeries that go along with it, three months of chemo and your life pretty much being turned right upside down. This was me!
For me, there was really no other choice than a double mastectomy, which takes both breasts right off your body. I underestimated the seriousness of the surgery. I knew that I would have to rest. I knew that I would not be able to pick up my baby for a while. What I didn't know was how long the soreness and the heaviness from the surgery would linger.
About this time, a longtime friend of mine brought over these heaven-sent pillows that are made especially for women who have gone through mastectomies. They were sent by a Faith and Support Ministry because their founder had gone through her own breast cancer battle and knew exactly what was hurting on my body and exactly how sad my heart was just being newly diagnosed.
These pillows were a complete lifesaver! You place them under your arms so that your arms can have a break and rest safely and comfortably. I even slept with pillows. I did not know just how useful they would be!
I have since, over the course of one year, finished all my treatments and surgeries. Sadly, because of my family history of breast cancer, two of my family members have been diagnosed over the last year. I am so proud to say that I shared the pillows with them. I am sure that they will do the same when
they are cancer free, like me! “
Jeanna S.
I was diagnosed on October 12, 2018, at the age of 39, with Stage 2A er+ her- breast cancer in my left breast. I had two (2) tumors and had a left breast mastectomy on November 27, 2018.
Faith and Support Ministry came into my life like an angel sent from heaven. They knew exactly what I was going through and gave me all the best advice. We prayed several times together and that always brought me comfort. Their founder, Tammy came over one day with a bag of pillows I'd need after my mastectomy. Those pillows were life savers. I slept on a recliner for my recovery and one night the pillow fell. I couldn't get to it. Several times that night I tugged on my drains WOW does that hurt!!!
With the help from Faith and Support Ministry, friends, and family and my determination to be here for my husband and my four (4) boys, I BEAT BREAST CANCER!!!! As of April 2020, I am 10 months cancer free.
Thank you so much to Tammy Tester and the Faith and Support Ministry team!!
Sandra A.
What a blessing this ministry has been for me!! I was diagnosed with breast cancer on December 18 ,2018. When it seemed like it was one of my darkest
times and I was all alone in this journey, I received a beautiful package from Faith and Support Ministry. Not only did it provide exactly what I needed for
my upcoming double mastectomy, it gave me hope and encouragement. Tammy and Faith and Support Ministry has truly been a God sent.
Sharrie N.
In January 2021, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. A friend of mine told Tammy Tester of Faith and Support Ministry, whom I didn’t know or had ever met, about my situation. A few weeks later I received this wonderful, fun, and up lifting pink Faith and Support care bag.
My first reaction was one of such joy and surprise on receiving it. This gift made me feel that I had someone else who knew what I was going through and was sharing this journey with me. Tammy had experienced this. I felt I had someone who really cared, understood, and was thinking of me and praying for me on this journey I was about to go on. When I finally looked in the bag, I found everything I could possibly need to make my chemo treatments a little more comfortable and easier.
I especially got so much use out of the T-Shirts that were adjustable at the shoulders to make it easier for the nurses to connect the chemo to my port. Even the nurses thought they were such a great idea. I have carried and used my Faith and Support bag for every chemo treatment, and every time I used it, I was reminded of the support, thoughtfulness and caring of others. I knew I was not alone during this difficult time, and it gave me such hope, strength, and perseverance.
It's amazing how this thoughtful gift can make such a difference in our attitude in dealing with our cancer. I hope Faith and Support can continue to touch many other women going through breast cancer with their wonderful and thoughtful care bags.
Annette D.
I received your care package. WOW!! Thank you so much. Everything is so useful (and beautiful). Just know that everything will be used. I know it was gifted to me during a crazy time during my life, but I love it all. Thank you, the most useful care package.
What Nurse Navigators Are Saying About Us ...
Breast cancer is such a scary diagnosis and these gift/support bags from Faith and Support Ministry can really uplift a woman when she is most vulnerable and afraid. The bags are given at the end of our Breast Cancer Consults with three physicians, and I wish you could see the look on the faces of these women, they completely change expression from one of fear, to one of joy, some even cry. They tell me that they feel cared for and loved by someone who doesn’t even know them but took time to care. It really is a special time for these women, I’m thankful to be able to witness it. The Faith and Support team truly provide these women with a special gift.
Cheryl Jones, BSN, RN, OCN, ONN-CG
Breast Cancer Nurse Navigator
Prisma Health Cancer Institute
Faith and Support Ministry is a blessing to our patients during their time in need. The ladies at Faith and Support Ministry donate care bags to our facility for our breast cancer patients. The care bags include a camisole and pillows to assist with post-op comfort. I have the honor of delivering these care bags to our patients on the day of their surgery. These care bags mean so much to our patients. These thoughtful gifts bring smiles to the faces and warms the hearts of the ladies who are in the middle of their fight against cancer.
Deecy Howard, BSN, RN, CBCN
Breast Cancer Nurse Navigator
AnMed Health