What's Happening

What's Happened Lately for Faith and Support Ministry

Recipient of a Grant Award from

Dabo's All In Team Foundation

In November, Faith and Support Ministry was blessed to have received a grant from Dabo's All In Team Foundation for the fifth year in a row.  We are truly honored to be a multi-year recipient of this grant.

Recipient of a Grant Award from

United Bank Foundation

In December, Faith and Support Ministry was honored to receive a grant from the Upstate United Bank Foundation for the third year in a row. 

Article Written About Our Ministry in

Greenville Online - Upstate Parent Magazine

Faith and Support Ministry was featured in an article in the Upstate Parents Magazine in December.  Here is a link to the article in the online publication which is part of the Greenvilleonline.com -https://www.greenvilleonline.com/.../local.../76894745007/
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