Helpful Hints


One thing I used to help keep friends and family informed of my progress and somewhat journal my battle was Caring Bridge. You can set up a page for free and just send a link to those you want to keep informed. This will help cut down on the calls and texts that you will receive from people who want to keep up to date on your progress. During this time, you will need to rest as much as possible, and not constantly answer so many calls/texts. You are welcome to visit my page at which journals my walk through cancer.

After your mastectomy you will be bandaged and have drain tubes for a couple of weeks. Listed below are a few items that may be helpful during this time.

It is helpful to have a hand-held shower sprayer that will allow you to shower from the waist down — you won’t be able to get your chest area wet in the beginning.  You can use the lanyard included in your care bag
to hook your drain tubes to and keep them out of the way when you are showering.

You may also want to invest in a bedrest pillow which allows you to sit up in bed. In the beginning, it will be very hard to lay down flat in the bed, so this will help you be more comfortable. You can purchase these at Target,      Wal-Mart or Bed, Bath & Beyond.
So you can see that I have experienced the journey that you are currently on and I know that there is hope for the future. Please know that I will be praying for you each step through this process. I know that there are going to be days when you are down and when you question God, but try to always stay focused on the positive things. Take it one day at the time—don’t look at the whole picture because it can be overwhelming. Surround yourself with a support system who will pray with you, cry with you and celebrate with you

Celebrate the little things.

Things that I chose to celebrate were:

  • Even though I didn’t have hair — I also didn’t have to shave my legs all summer long.
  •  Although the chemo was rough — I never got sick to the point of vomiting (thank you God).
  • Even with chemo — I only had to take four treatments.

Look for the little things that you can be thankful for.

And the most important thing is to never give up!!

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